Training Audit Fraud Using ACL

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Training Audit Fraud Using ACL

pelatihan auditor

Training Audit Fraud Using ACL

Training Audit Fraud Using ACL. Audit Fraud Using ACL Dirancang untuk auditor di tingkat entry dan menengah, kursus ini akan menentukan hubungan antara CAATs (Computer-Assisted Teknik Audit) bekerja dan penilaian risiko kecurangan. Peserta juga akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan aplikasi ACL secara efisien untuk menganalisis data dan mendeteksi kecurangan.

ikuti juga : Training Audit Fraud

Tujuan Pelatihan Audit Fraud Using ACL

  1. Understand technology’s role in detecting and preventing fraud
  2. Define the linkage between CAATS work and the fraud risk assessment
  3. Learn how to use ACL’s fraud applications efficiently to analyze data and detect fraud
  4. Practice creating fraud detection tests on live data

Materi Training Audit Fraud Using ACL

  1. Integrating Automated Audit Techniques into the Internal Audit Approach
  2. Define fraud and list fraud statistics
  3. List reasons why companies need to manage fraud risk
  4. Discuss Internal audit stakeholder expectations pertaining to the identification of fraud (expectation gap)
  5. Describe opportunities to integrate automated auditing techniques into the internal audit approach and linkage to the overall fraud risk assessment
  6. Discuss traditional audit techniques and inherent weaknesses when it comes to detecting fraud – sampling vs. complete population and multi-platform environments (interfaces between systems)
  7. Discuss benefits of using technology to analyze data
  8. Data Basics (what is available and how do you get it?)
  9. Discuss the importance of linking datasets to audit objectives (i.e. identification of possible fraud)
  10. Describe the importance of knowing a company’s IT systems and the data which is collected and stored
  11. Describe some essential steps in assessing the availability of data
  12. CAATS Overview
  13. Definition of CAATS
  14. Discuss the main components of a data analysis tool
  15. List the main tools commonly used for data analysis
  16. Display comparison charts (although there are many tools, we will use ACL for this class)
  17. ACL Basics
  18. ACL Overview
  19. Manipulating Data
  20. Accessing Data
  21. Defining Data Files
  22. Advanced ACL Techniques
  23. Understanding Functions
  24. Scripting in ACL
  25. Internal Audit and Continuous Transaction Monitoring
  26. Using CAATS to identify Anomalies and possible Fraud
  27. Describe the types of fraud and fraud schemes
  28. Fraud in Financial Reporting
  29. Misappropriation of Assets and Corruption
  30. Special Applications

Peserta Training Audit Fraud Using ACL

  1. Professionals involved in investigating potential frauds within an organization
  2. Internal auditing professionals seeking proficiency in fraud detection and prevention
  3. Internal auditors wanting to learn how to use ACL to detect symptoms of fraud
Metode Pelatihan :
  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)

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