Pelatihan Api 650 And 653 Tank Design Measurement

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Pelatihan Api 650 And 653 Tank Design Measurement

Pelatihan Api 650 And 653 Tank Design Measurement

Pelatihan Api 650 And 653 Tank Design Measurement

Pelatihan Api 650 And 653 Tank Design Measurement. The design and analysis of welded storage tanks can involve the application of a number of interrelated requirements in API 650. Application of these requirements may not always be intuitive  to  the  storage  tank  engineer.  This  course  provides  the  storage  tank  engineer  a practical understanding  of  the  basics  of  tank  design  and  analysis. Tank  component  design, material  considerations,  fabrication  and  examination  and  testing  will  be  covered,  with  a focus on API 650. This course covers design loads for tanks, including special requirements for  wind  and  seismic  loads  and  external  pressure,  temperature  considerations related  to brittle fracture and elevated temperature tanks, and design requirements for some basic tank designs (stainless and aluminum tanks, fixed roof and floating roof tanks, tanks with double bottoms, etc.).

The course also gives the student a basic understanding of the evaluation of existing  storage  tanks  in  accordance  with  API  653,  including  the determination  of  tank minimum  thickness,  inspection  intervals,  repairs,  hydrotest requirements  and  settlement evaluation. The  focus  of  this  course  is  design  and  analysis requirements,  but  also  includes practical information that comes from instructors who have worked for Owner-Users as well as in a consulting capacity. This  training  course  is  designed  to  train  individuals  who  are  interested  in  the  proper application of the storage tank Design, Construction and Inspection codes, as well as those who  are  seeking  a  better  understanding  of  the  Design  and Inspection  of  storage  tanks  at chemicals  and  oil  and  petroleum  storage  terminals.  The  program  will  provide  an  in-depth knowledge of API 650, API 620, API 653 and other relevant standards.

ikuti juga : training tank design


  1. Tank construction in the area is nearby tank
  2. Risk management in tank construction (fire,materials, welding, solar etc)
  3. Safety management in tank construction
  4. General Requirements for Storage Tanks
  5. Fracture Touhgness and Material Considerations
  6. Design of Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (API 650)
  7. Design of Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (API 620)
  8. National Boards Standards and European Standards
  9. Design for Wind and Seismic Loads
  10. The Measurement Process
  11. Elevated Temperature Tanks
  12. Design for External Pressure
  13. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Tanks
  14. Fabrication, Examination and Testing
  15. Other Tank Design Standards
  16. Evaluation of Existing Storage Tanks per API 653
  17. Tank Fitness-for-Service
  18. Inspection Intervals
  19. Repairs and Hydrotest Requirements
  20. Tank Settlement
  21. Comprehensive Course Evaluation Test

EmailTelp/wa 0852 9095 1223

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