Kategori: Construction

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Training Hukum Konstruksi Dan Kontrak Konstruksi

Training Hukum Konstruksi Dan Kontrak Konstruksi Training Hukum Konstruksi Dan Kontrak Konstruksi. Pembangunan industri jasa konstruksi di Indonesia mencapai puncaknya pada periode 1967-1996 atau sampai awal 1997 di mana pada waktu itu Indonesia untuk pertama kali menetapkan Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Tahap I (PJP I) yang dijabarkan dalam REPELITA (Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun). Namun selama kurun…
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Training Project Management Basic Course

Training Project Management Basic Course Training Project Management Basic Course – Participants will learn how to run a project according to the standards of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PM-BOK). Project Scope Planning Project Time, Cost Planning and Risk Management Integrating and Reporting Progress Managing Project Communication, Procurement and Quality Project Human Resources Management…
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Training Project Management Office (PMO)

Training Project Management Office (PMO) Training Project Management Office (PMO). This course will offer an overview of the Project Management Office (PMO). The course is designed is based on the perspective of improving project delivery is only one metric of a PMO’s success, it is an important measure. Businesses that have established PMO’s need to…
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Training Project Quality Management

Training Project Quality Management Training Project Quality Management. Your project may be the most effectively planned and managed, but if it doesn’t deliver a high quality product that meets the needs of the customer, you haven’t succeeded. Learn how to develop a quality management plan. Using the Goal publication, explore process mapping, building a Pareto…
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Training Technical Project Management

Training Technical Project Management Training Technical Project Management. This newly enriched program helps you manage projects related to science, engineering, research and development, construction, capacity expansion, instrumentation and control, plant outages and more. This seminar takes you through the life cycle of technical projects, and the case studies will demonstrate the integration of technical disciplines…
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Training Project Risk Management (PRM) 

Pelatihan Project Risk Management (PRM) Pelatihan Project Risk Management (PRM) . Manajer Proyek yang Sukses adalah yang Mampu MengelolauProyek Secara Efektif. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa setiap proyek selalu memiliki resiko. Oleh karena itu, manajer proyek yang sukses akan menjadi pengelola risiko yang efektif. Ancaman harus diminimalkan dan peluang dimaksimalkan, tetap menjaga fokus yang jelas pada…
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Training Boiler : Operation, Maintenance dan Troubleshooting

Training Boiler : Operation, Maintenance dan Troubleshooting Training Boiler : Operation, Maintenance dan Troubleshooting. This course is designed to teach the maintenance of boiler and steam systems. Participants will study pressurized vessels, and preventative maintenance guidelines. Application of these skills as well as experience on actual equipment should provide the participants with knowledge and skills…
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Training Project Management

Training Project Management Training Project Management. Project Managementis a skill needed for a project managerto undertake his tasks successfully implemented. A projectis a job that is done once whereas most other jobs are on-going or repetitive and managing one time jobs is different from managing on-going ones. Project managementis the planning, scheduling and controlling the…
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Pelatihan Construction Methods And Construction Management

Pelatihan Construction Methods And Construction Management

Pelatihan Construction Methods And Construction Management Pelatihan Construction Methods And Construction Management. Manajemen konstruksi mencangkup penerapan berbagai operasi melalui koordinasi dan pengendalian perencanaan, desain, estimasi, kontrak dan konstruksi di dalam keselurahan proses yang tepat. Proyek konstruksi membutuhkan metode pelaksanaan yang tepat untuk mencapai tingkat efisiensi dan efektivitas. Manajemen konstruksi memungkinkan untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi sumber daya…
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Training Biaya Proyek: Estimasi dan Analisis

Training Biaya Proyek: Estimasi dan Analisis Training Biaya Proyek: Estimasi dan Analisis Proyek merupakan suatu kegiatan sementara yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dengan alokasi sumber daya terbatas dan dimaksudkan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang telah ditentukan. Keberhasilan suatu proyek bergantung pada sejauh mana proyek tersebut dapat memenuhi kriteria keberhasilan proyek. Kriteria tersebut antara lain: Manfaat…
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