Training Consultative and Digital Selling Masterclass

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Training Consultative and Digital Selling Masterclass

Training Consultative and Digital Selling Masterclass

Training Consultative and Digital Selling Masterclass

This sales course goes far beyond the transfer of information by enhancing core competencies in both functional and interpersonal areas. The main purpose of this course is to drive significant improvement in sales force performance by addressing the selling skills, communication practices, and ability to adapt different selling styles to meet customers’ requirements, and to master digital selling best practices to generate leads and increase conversion rates. The course also focuses on empowering salespeople to progress from transaction-focused selling to true consultative selling which will transform the sales relationship into a collaboration-focused business partnership that produces dramatic, long-term and measurable sales results.

Course Methodology
The course employs a variety of exercises, case studies, concepts, related videos, and hands-on digital marketing practices to enhance learning. Participants will be working in groups in order to find practical recommendations and solutions to different selling scenarios and find the most suitable and applicable practices for their individual cases.

ikuti juga :training marketing dan customer behavior

Course Objectives

  1. Identify the changing strategic and operational demands on the sales function and enhance required knowledge and skills
  2. Master the process of consultative selling to manage the customer buying process based on the understanding of the different selling modes
  3. Devise sales plans and use various forecasting models to better handle internal and external customers’ expectations
  4. Develop marketing initiatives to attract and retain the best buyers
  5. Use digital selling to generate leads, increase conversion rates, and embrace the technology needed to grow and engage accounts

Target Competencies

  1. Consultative selling
  2. Sales planning
  3. Negotiation
  4. Digital selling
  5. Marketing initiatives
  6. Communication skills

Target Audience

Sales reps, sales supervisors/managers, and account managers who would like to master tactics, selling modes, and embrace futuristic sales practices using digital initiatives that are the foundation of successful modern selling. The course is also beneficial for people who are involved in commercial activities at all levels of the organization.

Metode Pelatihan Info Diklat :

  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)

Informasi Kontak  

Email : | |

Lokasi & InvestasiFasilitas
- Yogyakarta
- Jakarta
- Bandung
- Bali
- Surabaya
- Malang
- Batam
- Lombok
- FREE Airport pickup service
(Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)
- FREE Transporsi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module atau Handout
- FREE Flashdisk
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
- Training room full AC and Multimedia

Hotel untuk pelatihan ada beberapa pilihan seperti Hotel Ibis, Hotel Aston, Hotel Amaris, Hotel Cavinton, Hotel Hyatt, Hotel Grand Aston, Novotel, Hotel Harris, Hotel 101, Hotel Grand Mercure,Ritz Carlton, Hotel Ibis Style dan masih banyak pilihan menarik lainnya.Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan. Dapatkan harga spesial untuk pengiriman minimal 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.

Jadwal PelatihanOnline Training
- 22-24 Januari 2024
- 12-14 Februari 2024
- 13-15 Maret 2024
- 29-30 April 2024
- 21-23 Mei 2024
- 11-13 Juni 2024
- 16-18 Juli 2024
- 13-15 Agustus 2024
- 17-19 September 2024
- 15-17 Oktober 2024
- 7-9 November 2024
- 26-28 November 2024
- 3-6 Desember 2024
- 17-19 Desember 2024
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE
Durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari pelaksanaan
- Media Live training
Google Meet, Zoom atau Team link
- Harga khusus
Training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta
dari perusahaan yang sama