Pelatihan Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Pelatihan Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Pelatihan Planning And Scheduling

Pelatihan Planning And Scheduling

Pelatihan Planning And Scheduling. Machinery industry or Manufacture or power plant is an important asset and supporting industry and has a highest critical level. It’s a major asset because it is a fundamental thing to do a production. It Has a high critical level means that if there is any sudden damage will have a big impact morally and materially. Therefore, machinery industry should be well managed so that it can be used economically, efficient and effective.

To make an efficient and effective asset is required a good implementation of effective asset management. To make a well operated machinery is required a good implementation of preventive management and technique, scheduled and predictive management. By applying maintenance and asset management, assets can be managed properly, the symptom of damage can be detected as early as possible, further damage can be prevented, reducing the time-stopping machine and maintenance costs could be pressed and the company could get a higher profit.

ikuti juga :   pelatihan analisis network planning


  1. Understand the principles of asset management
  2. Understanding the role of assets in the industry
  3. Understand the asset management
  4. Understand the development of asset maintenance program or engine industry
  5. Understand the planning and maintenance machinery industry
  6. Understand the techniques and strategies for machine maintenance industry.
  7. Periodic maintenance program to understand the machinery industry
  8. Predictive maintenance program to understand the machinery industry


  1. Asset management in business
  2. Asset and management structure
  3. Asset maintenance program development
  4. Maintenance planning and control
  5. Plant maintenance strategy
  6. Plant maintenance strategy
  7. Plant scheduled maintenance
  8. Plant predictive maintenance


  1. Electrical Enginer or supervisor
  2. Instrument Engineer or supervisor
  3. Profesionals
  4. Plant Maintenance or Operator or Supervisor or Superintendent
  5. Technician

EmailTelp/wa 0852 9095 1223

Lokasi & InvestasiFasilitas
- Yogyakarta
- Jakarta
- Bandung
- Bali
- Surabaya
- Malang
- Batam
- Lombok
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- FREE Transporsi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
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- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch
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- Training room full AC and Multimedia

Hotel untuk pelatihan ada beberapa pilihan seperti Hotel Ibis, Hotel Aston, Hotel Amaris, Hotel Cavinton, Hotel Hyatt, Hotel Grand Aston, Novotel, Hotel Harris, Hotel 101, Hotel Grand Mercure,Ritz Carlton, Hotel Ibis Style dan masih banyak pilihan menarik lainnya.Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan. Dapatkan harga spesial untuk pengiriman minimal 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.

Jadwal PelatihanOnline Training
- 22-24 Januari 2024
- 12-14 Februari 2024
- 13-15 Maret 2024
- 29-30 April 2024
- 21-23 Mei 2024
- 11-13 Juni 2024
- 16-18 Juli 2024
- 13-15 Agustus 2024
- 17-19 September 2024
- 15-17 Oktober 2024
- 7-9 November 2024
- 26-28 November 2024
- 3-6 Desember 2024
- 17-19 Desember 2024
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE
Durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari pelaksanaan
- Media Live training
Google Meet, Zoom atau Team link
- Harga khusus
Training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta
dari perusahaan yang sama


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