Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Allen Bradly LOGIX 5000

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Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Allen Bradly LOGIX 5000

Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Allen Bradly LOGIX 5000

Training Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Allen Bradly LOGIX 5000

Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Allen Bradly LOGIX 5000 is designed to instruct electrical control professionals on how to successfully integrate a PLC into actual day-to-day industial electrical processes. It not only deals with the hardware and software, but all the surrounding systems that must be compatible to achieve a safe and reliable control system. PLC training is also designed to help delegates keep abreast of the latest PLC technologies and techniques available in this area, this tutorial offers an excellent opportunity for delegates to ask specific questions and exchange ideas relating to their own applications. 

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The course is for technicians and engineers, who have little or no Logix 5000 PLC programming and application experience, who are required to make changes to existing Logix 5000 programs. Programming theory is kept to a minimum; the course is hands on with great emphasis on the practical aspects of Programmable Logic Controller applications. The course is based around CompactLogix range of PLCs and RSLogix 5000 software; however, it is suitable as a general introduction to PLCs. The course is run using RSLogix 5000 software and may be customised to include functions relevant to your control applications.


This section will begin with a discussion of basic theory of operation and how it is used to control a process. It will also identify potential applications and relate how PLC control compares with traditional methods of control. A discussion of the benefits of PLC control will follow. Hardware Configuration This section will describe the various components used in the formulation of a PLC control system. Included will be methods to select the correct features and capabilities to match the process requirements. CPU sizes and types Backplanes Power supplies I/O module types Installation and Wiring Considerations There are necessary steps that must be taken to ensure that the control system will be correctly installed to provide safe and reliable operation. Installation recommendations and techniques will be given for the following: Power and grounding Enclosures Input devices and wiring methods Output devices and wiring methods Programming Various types of programming software will be introduced to the delegates. Techniques for simple program development and downloading will be demonstrated.


  1. RSLogix 5000 programming
  2. Software Tag Based addressing
  3. Controller Tags
  4. Program Tags
  5. Base Tags
  6. Alias Tags
  7. Data Types
  8. Tags Scope
  9. Tasks
  10. Main Routine
  11. Sub Routine
  12. System I/O Configuration
  13. Communicating with the PLC
  14. Downloading and Uploading PLC programs
  15. Monitoring PLC programs
  16. PLC Programming (Inputs/outputs Timers Counters, stc)
  17. Application Functions
  18. Commenting of programs
  19. Monitoring techniques
  20. Fault finding and searching
  21. Testing and forcing techniques


  1. PLC Engineering and design personnel
  2. Maintenance and technical services personnel
  3. Process and operations personnel
  4. Technical and process managers
  5. Engineering and design personnel
  6. Electrical consulting engineers
  7. Electrical contractors
Metode Pelatihan :
  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)

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