Pelatihan technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation

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Pelatihan technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation

Pelatihan technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation

Pelatihan technical aspects of geothermal drilling operation

Pelatihan technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation. Duration: 10 (ten) days course Instructors: Dr. Ir. Rudi Rubiandini R.S (Ir: ITB, Dr-ing:Technische Universitaet Clausthal) Who should attend: Drilling engineers, Mud engineers, geologists, supervisors, tool pushers, rig crews ,drilling contract and service company personnel, Shaker Attendants, Assistant Drillers, Toolpushers, Drilling Foremen, Drilling Superintendents, Directional Drillers, MWD and LWD personnel, and any other personnel who are included in drilling operation for Geothermal Well.

ikuti juga :  training geothermal system and technology


What is technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation How to design the Geothermal operation, and their Completion. How to select equipment in their drilling operation and Completion, especially for Geothermal Well. Course information: This course covers all aspects of Geothermal drilling and deals with both theory and application. It is particularly valuable for their career in Geothermal drilling operation. This course provides the development in Geothermal industry and drilling technology. In Geothermal Drilling Technology, participants will be given the principles, the techniques, the tools and designing procedures for a deviated well. Participants will also learn about principles of Geothermal drilling techniques and practices, also design and selection of BHA. This course also give valuable insight into workings of Geothermal drilling technology and providing direction in the design and implementation of these technology in Geothermal Industry. Participants will have computer workshop using Drilling Software, Horizontal Drilling Software and Design, and also 3D-Trajectory for Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Wells, and the software.


  1. Principle of Geothermal Drilling Drilling Fluid Properties,
  2. Design and Optimization Drilling Fluid Hydraulic
  3. Design Friction Loss ECD determinations Cutting transport Bit hydraulic horse power Bit hydraulic impact Bit jet velocity Hole Problems Casing and Casing Design Casing type Burst, collapse, tension, biaxial Maximum load principle Cement and Cementing Design Cement classification Cement Properties Cement additive Cementing design Principle of Directional Drilling Directional Well Path Design Directional Well Path Evaluation Build Curve Design Bottom Hole Assembly BHA Equipment BHA DesignWell Drill String Design Torque Drag Buckling Drill String Strategy Computer workshop
Metode Pelatihan :
  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)
EmailTelp/wa 0852 9095 1223
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