Training Fire Watcher

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Training Fire Watcher

Training Fire Watcher

Training Fire Watcher

Training Fire Watcher. Description The Fire Watch Program serves as a guideline to watch for hazards after hot work has been performed on a renovation or new construction project on the all industrial facilities. The Fire Watch Program also applies whenever the Fire Alarm System or Automatic Fire Sprinkler System is not operational. Objectives Fire Watcher After completing these training the participants will be able to: To the lookout and control of stray fires solely Written fire watch policy Performing Fire watch duty Performing Reporting requirements.

Ikuti juga : Training fire safety


  1. Written fire watch policy
  2. The duties employees are to perform
  3. The equipment employees must be given
  4. The personal protective equipment (PPE)
  5. Posting fire watches
  6. Understanding principle of fire prevention
  7. Fire classifications (NFPA)
  8. Fire Extinguishers (types, how to use, precautions, inspection, maintenance, etc.)
  9. Common Fire Hazards or Causes of Fire
  10. How can fires be prevented?
  11. How to fight fires?
  12. What to do in case of fire?
  13. What to do in plant emergency?
  14. Criteria for performing a fire watch (Welding or cutting, Hot work, Combustible materials, Renovations and
  15. New Construction
  16. Fire Systems (Fire Alarm System, Automatic Sprinkler System, Assigning employees to fire watch duty, Fire watch job description)
  17. Assigning employees to fire watch duty.
  18. Fire watch job description
  19. Reporting Requirements
  20. Fire Watch Notification
  21. Fire Watch Log
  22. Training Film Viewing (Fire Extinguisher)
  23. Practical Fire Extinguisher Exercises
  24. Plant Emergency Equipment Familiarization


This training is very useful for engineers in particular the facilities department engineers, plant inspectors, maintenance engineers, this includes Facilities Management (FM) employees and outside contractor personnel.

Metode Pelatihan :

  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)

Informasi Kontak Info Diklat

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Lokasi & InvestasiFasilitas
- Yogyakarta
- Jakarta
- Bandung
- Bali
- Surabaya
- Malang
- Batam
- Lombok
- FREE Airport pickup service
(Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)
- FREE Transporsi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module atau Handout
- FREE Flashdisk
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
- Training room full AC and Multimedia

Hotel untuk pelatihan ada beberapa pilihan seperti Hotel Ibis, Hotel Aston, Hotel Amaris, Hotel Cavinton, Hotel Hyatt, Hotel Grand Aston, Novotel, Hotel Harris, Hotel 101, Hotel Grand Mercure,Ritz Carlton, Hotel Ibis Style dan masih banyak pilihan menarik lainnya.Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan. Dapatkan harga spesial untuk pengiriman minimal 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.

Jadwal PelatihanOnline Training
- 22-24 Januari 2024
- 12-14 Februari 2024
- 13-15 Maret 2024
- 29-30 April 2024
- 21-23 Mei 2024
- 11-13 Juni 2024
- 16-18 Juli 2024
- 13-15 Agustus 2024
- 17-19 September 2024
- 15-17 Oktober 2024
- 7-9 November 2024
- 26-28 November 2024
- 3-6 Desember 2024
- 17-19 Desember 2024
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE
Durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari pelaksanaan
- Media Live training
Google Meet, Zoom atau Team link
- Harga khusus
Training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta
dari perusahaan yang sama


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