Training IT Report Management

informasi Penyedia Pelatihan dan Diklat, Penyedia Pelatihan, training dan bimtek, lembaga Pelatihan dan pendidikan sdm, Diklat Indonesia, info diklat 2021, lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan training

Training IT Report Management

Training IT Report Management

Training IT Report Management

Training IT Report Management. This course will offer an overview and implementation of IT Report Management. The course is designed and based on the perspective of improving report delivery, which is one metric of an IT Report Management success; and practically it is an important measure. The industry that have implemented IT Report Management with the need to ensure that IT operation and IT Management is providing expected results, and adding value to the business within particular time framework as indicated by representative and comprehensive IT performance reporting system. This course will provide methodologies and approaches to enable report management process for an enterprise to take advantage of the depicted data and information. The course shall provide the capabilities to the participants in determining the contents, styles, design and frequency of IT report distribution to the stakeholders. Also guiding the participants to the best practice of report management for the advantage of the organization.

The participants shall also discover methods to implement the typical project time management and the specific functions which should be performed as related to project implementation. The course is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions with the perspectives of excellent report management. The scope of the course includes discussion of the components of excellent report management process including: Recognize typical characteristic of IT reports to foster organizational success in implementing information technology , prevent tardiness in report distribution, design and construct excellent IT reporting, provision of basis on report analysis, and report management plan as required by the organization.

baca juga : Training Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan : Konsep dan aplikasi


  1. Gain an in-depth understanding of IT Report Management with a well designed in the report presentation, and effectively shall have the capability to effectively implement the knowledge
  2. Understand the parameters and the requirements as required in the construction and design of analytical and directive IT report, and how to address them effectively and efficiently as related to organization IT performance
  3. Learn how to determine key parameters of excellent reporting as related to stakeholders’ requirements, and how to improve the contents in line with IT reporting framework or best practice


  1. The perspectives and overview of Report Management
  2. This part of the course shall describe the framework and perspective IT report. Also describing on the benefits by having the competency on generating the structured and comprehensive report as related to IT operation and management.
  3. Interpreting the Assignment Topic
  4. Identifying unknown words
  5. Analyzing the question
  6. Considering the additional assignment
  7. Writing the report
  8. Developing a Plan
  9. Thinking about the assignment topic
  10. Refining the plan
  11. Developing a plan for the assignment
  12. Writing the Report
  13. Abstracts and introduction
  14. Writing from a plan
  15. Sample report Plan vs. report
  16. Business System Data Commentary
  17. Report structure
  18. Paragraph structure
  19. Tables
  20. Figures
  21. Appendices
  22. Academic style
  23. References
  24. Using Sources in IT
  25. Sources definition
  26. Selecting sources
  27. IT Case Studies and Exercises Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training, while for every subject completed will be followed by comprehensive exercises focusing on the described subjects such as:
  28. Topic analysis
  29. Topic annotation


  1. Staff and Managers with responsibility for IT report generation. Managers wishing to increase or update their knowledge of IT report management methodology, and especially in a dynamic and dynamic environment.
  2. Others with an interest in improving report management results within their organizations, and who would benefit from an understanding of IT report management knowledge as related to IT operation.
  3. Direct involvement in a particular project, either as a project manager or as a staff member, then this training becomes a recommended prerequisite.

Metode Pelatihan :

  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Evaluation (Pre and Post Test)
  • Kunjungan/Praktek (Menyesuaikan/tentative)

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